The robotic pet PARO, a baby seal robot, is the most widely used robotic pet and carries various sensors to sense touch, sounds, and visual objects [61]. Another robot is the Mario Kampäi mentioned earlier, which focuses on assisting elderly patients with dementia, loneliness, and isolation. Yet, another companion robot Buddy, by Blue Frog Robotics, assists elderly patients by helping with daily activities such as reminders about medication and appointments, as well as using motion sensors to detect falls and physical inactivity.

artificial intelligence in healthcare

AI systems should therefore be carefully designed to reflect the diversity of socio-economic and health-care settings. The U.S. health care system is under pressure from an aging population; rising disease prevalence, including from the current pandemic; and increasing costs. New technologies, such as AI, could augment patient care in health care facilities, including outpatient and inpatient care, emergency services, and preventative care.

Artificial Intelligence in Health Care:

This is due to the increasing automation and the introduction of new experimental techniques including hidden Markov model based text to speech synthesis and parallel synthesis. However, mining of the large-scale chemistry data is needed to efficiently classify potential drug compounds and machine learning techniques have shown great potential [15]. Methods such as support vector machines, neural networks, and random forest have all been used to develop models to aid drug discovery since the 1990s. More recently, DL has begun to be implemented due to the increased amount of data and the continuous improvements in computing power. There are various tasks in the drug discovery process where machine learning can be used to streamline the tasks. This includes drug compound property and activity prediction, de novo design of drug compounds, drug–receptor interactions, and drug reaction prediction [16].

In healthcare and life science, the mapping of the human genome and the digitization of medical data could result in a similar growth pattern as genetic sequencing and profiling becomes cheaper and electronic health records and the like serve as a platform for data collection. Although these areas may seem small at first, the exponential growth will take control at some point. Humans are generally poor at understanding exponential trends and have a tendency to overestimate the impact of technology in the short-term (e.g. 1 year) while underestimating the long-term (e.g. 10 years) effect. There have been a great number of technological advances within the field of AI and data science in the past decade. Although research in AI for various applications has been ongoing for several decades, the current wave of AI hype is different from the previous ones. A perfect combination of increased computer processing speed, larger data collection data libraries, and a large AI talent pool has enabled rapid development of AI tools and technology, also within healthcare [5].

Artificial intelligence in healthcare: transforming the practice of medicine

ChatGPT is a large language model using vast amounts of data to generate predictive text responses to user queries. Released on November 30, 2022, ChatGPT, or Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer, has become one of the fastest-growing consumer software applications, with hundreds of millions of global users. Some may be inclined to ask ChatGPT for medical advice instead of searching the internet for answers, which prompts the question of whether chatbox artificial intelligence Artificial Intelligence (AI) Cases is accurate and reliable for answering medical questions. The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in university medical education presents both advantages and disadvantages. In the context of exam preparation and evaluation, AI has the potential to bring objectivity, adaptability, efficiency, and reduced cost to the process. However, there are also concerns regarding the quality of AI-generated questions, unpredictability, lack of creativity, and ethical considerations.

However, despite the helpfulness of the physician, it is not an ideal system and it is likely that if you were in the position of the above patient, you will walk away dissatisfied with the care received. The frustration with such systems has led to an immense pressure on the health workers and needs to be addressed. Today, there are numerous health-related applications that utilize and combine the power of AI with that of a remote physician to answer some of the simple questions that might not warrant a physical visit to the doctors. One of the first applications of assistive robots and a commonly investigated technology is companion robots for social and emotional stimulation. Such robots assist elderly patients with their stress or depression by connecting emotionally with the patient with enhanced social interaction and assistance with various daily tasks. The robots vary from being pet-like robots to more peer-like and they are all interactive and provide psychological and social effects.

1.2. Artificial intelligence applications in healthcare

Medical students could be provided with and taught novel and complicated surgical procedures, or learn about anatomy through AR without ever needing to interact or involve real patients at an early stage or without ever needing to perform an autopsy on a real corpse. These students will of course be interacting with real patients in their future careers, but the goal would be to initiate the training at an earlier stage and lowering the cost of training at a later stage. A notable application of AI and computer vision within surgery technology is to augment certain features and skills within surgery such as suturing and knot-tying. The smart tissue autonomous robot (STAR) from the Johns Hopkins University has demonstrated that it can outperform human surgeons in some surgical procedures such as bowel anastomosis in animals. A fully autonomous robotic surgeon remains a concept for the not so near future but augmenting different aspects of surgery using AI is of interest to researchers. An example of this is a group at the Institute of Information Technology at the Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt that uses surgery videos as training material in order to identify a specific intervention made by the surgeon.

With the aging society, more and more people live through old age with chronic disorders and mostly manage to live independently up to an old age. Data indicates that half of people above the age of 65 years have a disability of some sort, which constitutes over 35 million people in the United States alone. Most people want to preserve their autonomy, even at an old age, and maintain control over their lives and decisions [50]. Assistive technologies increase the self-dependencies of patients, encouraging user participation in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools to provide remote care services type assistance and provide information to the healthcare professionals. Assistive technologies are experiencing rapid growth, especially among people aged 65–74 years [51]. Governments, industries, and various organizations are promoting the concept of AAL, which enables people to live independently in their home environment.

The future of AI in health care

Prediction and assessment of a condition is something that individuals will demand to have more control over in the coming years. This increase in demand is partly due to a technology reliable population that has grown to learn that technological innovation will be able to assist them in leading healthy lives. Neuroprosthetics are defined as devices that help or augment the subject’s own nervous system, in both forms of input and output.

artificial intelligence in healthcare

This is expected to result in fewer hospitalizations, less doctor visits, and less treatments. AI-based technology will have an important role in helping people stay healthy via continuous monitoring and coaching and will ensure earlier diagnosis, tailored treatments, and more efficient follow-ups. For example, sophisticated health AI apps are currently used to analyze DNA data for forecasting probable diseases. Currently, artificial intelligence in healthcare is also used for medical imaging analysis and collecting data within patient medical records. In particular, it transformed the procedure of MRI scans analysis and made it a considerably less complex process.

Examples of AI in Robotic Surgery

This kind of technology can greatly benefit doctors who are facing complex cases and require quick access to relevant information. The sensors can transmit information to a nearby computing device that can process the data or upload them to the cloud for further processing using various machine learning algorithms, and if necessary, alert relatives or healthcare professionals (Fig. 2.7
). By daily collection of patient data, activities of daily living are defined over time and abnormalities can be detected as a deviation from the routine.

As a result, with the usage of AI-based monitoring systems, a considerable decrease in dropout rates can be observed. The primary goal of BenevolentAI is to get the right treatment to the right patients at the right time by using AI to produce a better target selection and provide previously undiscovered insights through deep learning. BenevolentAI works with major pharmaceutical groups to license drugs, while also partnering with charities to develop easily transportable medicines for rare diseases. Our world is evolving, and the novel coronavirus continues to alter the future of healthcare as we know it. The post-coronavirus era provides an opportunity to focus on closing the healthcare disparities that exist and limiting the human-factor in medical errors. It provides an opportunity to fully harness the potential of artificial intelligence to solve complex medical mysteries that plague humanity and increase the efficiency of breast cancer screening.

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